How to Play

Royal Poker


December 22, 2023
reviews 4.3 rating 113 reviews
download 66 MB 50K+ installs
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Royal Poker
Royal Poker
Royal Poker
Royal Poker

Royal Poker How to Play

 To start playing Royal Poker:

  • Download and install the app from the App Store or Google Play.
  • Create an account or log in if you have an existing one.
  • Choose your preferred poker game type from options like Texas Hold’em, Omaha, or Stud.
  • Select the table stakes that suit your budget.
  • Click “Join Table” to start a game.

At the table:

  • Each player receives two hole cards.
  • The dealer deals three community cards face down.
  • The first betting round begins, with options to call, raise, or fold.
  • The dealer reveals the fourth community card.
  • A second betting round follows.
  • The dealer reveals the fifth and final community card.
  • A third betting round commences.
  • If players remain after the third round, a showdown occurs where the best hand wins the pot.
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