Full House in Poker 

Have you ever felt like you had two winning hands at once in poker? That’s the thrill of a full house, a powerful hand ranking fourth best. This article dives into the world of full houses, explaining how they’re formed and ranked, and why they can be game-changers at the poker table. From understanding the mechanics to identifying the strongest variations, get ready to master the art of the full house!

Full house in poker

What is Full House in Poker?

In poker, a full house, also known as a boat, is a powerful hand ranking fourth best. It’s like having two winning hands in one. Imagine holding three cards of the same rank, like three Queens, and two cards of another rank, say two Eights. That’s a full house, Queens full of Eights. The value of the full house depends on the ranks involved. Three Aces with any two other cards is the unbeatable top full house. When comparing full houses, the winner is determined by the three-of-a-kind. So, a full house with three Kings beats a full house with three Tens.

For example, a hand with 3 kings and 2 7s would be “full, king wins 7”. This is usually a strong hand that can only be beaten with a Four Flush, Straight Flush or Royal Flush. In some types of poker, such as Texas Hold’em, the entire house is in one hand, but it is still very strong in terms of hand ranking. In such games, the contract usually rotates between players and is marked with a symbol called a button (or coin). 

Here is an example of Full House in poker.



Types of Full House Cards

In various card games, a “full house” refers to a hand where a player has three cards of one rank and two cards of another rank. It’s a relatively strong hand in most games, often ranking just below four of a kind and straight flushes. The types of full house cards are determined by the two different ranks involved in making up the hand.

  • Numbered Full House: In this type of full house, both the three-of-a-kind and the pair consist of numbered cards. For example, a full house of 3-3-3-8-8 or 7-7-7-4-4 would fall into this category.
  • Face Card Full House: This type involves a mix of numbered cards and face cards (Jack, Queen, King, Ace). For instance, a full house of K-K-K-9-9 or Q-Q-Q-10-10 would be examples of a face card full house.
  • Mixed Full House: A mixed full house includes one three-of-a-kind of face cards and a pair of numbered cards or vice versa. For instance, a full house of J-J-J-6-6 or 2-2-2-K-K would fall into this category.
  • Suited Full House (in some games): In certain card games like poker, where suits matter, you might encounter a full house where all the cards are of the same suit. For example, A♠-A♠-A♠-K♠-K♠ would be a suited full house.

Full houses can vary in strength depending on the game being played and the specific hand rankings within that game. In most standard poker variants, such as Texas Hold’em and Omaha, a full house is a strong hand, typically beaten only by four of a kind, straight flushes, and royal flushes. However, in other games like Five Card Draw, where the hand rankings differ, a full house might be even more powerful. Understanding the nuances of each game’s hand rankings is crucial for strategic play.


Basic Rules of Full House

What is a Full House?

A Full House, also known as a full boat or a boat, is a strong poker hand consisting of two parts:

  • Three cards of the same rank (like three Queens) – This forms a Three-of-a-Kind.
  • Two cards of a different but matching rank (like two Jacks). This forms a Pair.

So, a Full House combines both a Three-of-a-Kind and a Pair in your five-card poker hand.

How Does a Full House Rank?

A Full House is a great hand, ranking fourth out of the ten ranked hands in poker. It beats Two Pair, One Pair, High Card, and other lower hands. However, it can be defeated by:

  • Royal Flush (the unbeatable top hand)
  • Straight Flush
  • Four-of-a-Kind

Determining the Winning Full House

When multiple players have a Full House, the winner is determined by the rank of the three cards (the Three-of-a-Kind). For instance, Aces Full of Kings (A-A-A-K-K) beats Kings Full of Queens (K-K-K-Q-Q).

  • Here’s a tip: Full Houses are described by mentioning the Three-of-a-Kind rank first, followed by “full of” and then the Pair rank. So, Aces Full of Kings or Sevens Full of Fours.

Playing the Odds

While a Full House is strong, it’s not unbeatable. Remember, the best possible Full House is Aces Full of Kings, while the lowest is Threes Full of Twos.

The Game: Texas Hold’em (This applies to other variants too)

The Players: Let’s say there are 3 players remaining after the flop (three community cards are revealed).

  • Player 1: Has a pocket pair of Kings (K♣ K♠) in their hole cards (two cards dealt face down).
  • Player 2: Has a Queen (Q♥) and a Seven (7♦) in their hole cards.
  • Community Cards: The flop reveals a Ten (10♦), a Jack (J♣), and another King (K♦).

The Breakdown:

  • Player 1 now has a Full House – Kings Full of Tens (K♣ K♠ K♦ 10♦ J♣). The two Kings in their hand combine with the King on the flop for the Three-of-a-Kind, while their pocket pair forms the matching Pair.
  • Player 2 doesn’t have a Full House, or any other strong hand yet. Their highest combination might be a Jack High with the community cards.

Betting and Showdown:

Based on the strong hand, Player 1 might raise the bet significantly, assuming others don’t have a better hand. Player 2, seeing the flop reveal another King and likely fearing a strong hand, might fold (give up their cards). The remaining player might call the bet depending on their hand and reading Player 1.

Showdown (if there are remaining players who call the bet):

  • If Player 2 calls or another player stays in, whoever has the highest-ranking Full House at showdown wins the pot. In this example, Player 1 wins with Kings Full of Tens.


How Does a Full House Hand Rank?

In most standard poker games, including Texas Hold’em, Omaha, and Seven Card Stud, a full house hand ranks below only four of a kind and a straight flush in terms of strength. 

  • Royal Flush: A, K, Q, J, 10, all of the same suit.
  • Straight Flush: Five consecutive cards of the same suit (e.g., 8-9-10-Jack-Queen of hearts).
  • Four of a Kind: Four cards of the same rank (e.g., four Aces).
  • Full House: Three cards of one rank and two cards of another rank (e.g., three Kings and two Sevens).
  • Flush: Five cards of the same suit, not in sequence (e.g., all hearts but not in numerical sequence).
  • Straight: Five consecutive cards of mixed suits (e.g., 4-5-6-7-8).
  • Three of a Kind: Three cards of the same rank (e.g., three Jacks).
  • Two Pair: Two sets of two cards of the same rank (e.g., two Aces and two Kings).
  • One Pair: Two cards of the same rank (e.g., two Queens).
  • High Card: If no other hands are made, the highest card in a player’s hand determines the winner.


So, a full house beats flushes, straights, three of a kind, two pair, one pair, and high card hands. It’s a strong hand but can still be beaten by higher-ranking hands like four of a kind, straight flushes, and royal flushes.

In games, such as Texas Hold’em, players aim to make the best possible five-card hand using a combination of their hole cards (cards dealt to them face down) and the community cards (cards dealt face up and shared among all players). A full house is a hand that players hope to achieve because it’s strong enough to win in many situations but rare enough to give them an edge over opponents with weaker hands.


Full House Hand Match

In the game of poker, a “full house” hand consists of three cards of one rank and two cards of another rank. Let’s create a fictional scenario to illustrate a full house hand match:

Player 1:

  • Hole Cards: 7♠, 7♦
  • Community Cards: 7♥, 10♠, 10♦, K♠, Q♣

Player 2:

  • Hole Cards: K♦, K♣
  • Community Cards: 9♠, K♥, 9♦, 9♣, J♠

Let’s evaluate each player’s hand:

Player 1 has a full house with three sevens and two tens:

Full House: 7♠, 7♦, 7♥, 10♠, 10♦

Player 2 also has a full house but with three kings and two nines:

Full House: K♦, K♣, K♥, 9♦, 9♣

Now, let’s compare the two hands:

Player 1’s full house:

  • Three of a Kind: Sevens (7♠, 7♦, 7♥)
  • Pair: Tens (10♠, 10♦)

Player 2’s full house:

  • Three of a Kind: Kings (K♦, K♣, K♥)
  • Pair: Nines (9♦, 9♣)

Since Player 2 has a higher three of a kind (kings) compared to Player 1’s three of a kind (sevens), Player 2 has the stronger hand in this scenario. Therefore, Player 2 would win this hand.

In poker, full houses are strong hands, but the winning hand depends on the specific ranks within the full house. In this example, Player 2’s full house with three kings beats Player 1’s full house with three sevens.


Probability of Getting Full House

The chance of landing a full house in a five-card hand with a standard deck is roughly 0.144%, which translates to about 1 in 693 hands.

Here’s why:

  • There are a total of 2,598,960 possible five-card hands you can draw.
  • Out of those, only 156 are winning combinations for a full house.
  • Divide the favorable outcomes (156) by the total number of hands (2,598,960) and you get roughly 0.00144, which is about 0.144%.
  • While a strong hand, a full house isn’t super frequent. But it’s definitely a valuable holding to strive for in poker variations like Texas Hold’em.


Strategies to Play Full House in Texas Holdem

Even though a Full House is a strong hand in Texas Hold’em, there are still clever ways to play it to increase your winnings:

  • Constructing the Hand: Since full houses are uncommon, patience is essential. Refrain from being frustrated and chasing implausible flops. Hold out for strong starting hands that could finish with a full house.
  • Seek Pairs: Give starting hands with a pocket pair priority since a Full House combines a Three-of-a-Kind with a Pair. This provides you a chance at the Full House and raises the likelihood that you will flop a set (three of a kind).
  • Taking the Flop: Playing aggressively when you flop a full house is typically a good idea. To increase the pot and possibly frighten away lesser hands, bet or raise.
  • Be Fearful: Even with its strength, a Full House is not unbeatable. Watch out for betting patterns (such as Four-of-a-Kind, Straight Flush, and Royal Flush) that imply someone may have a better hand.
  • Beyond the Flop: Control the Betting: As the hand progresses,  maintain control of the betting by leading with bets or raising on the Turn and River if the board doesn’t scare you.
  • Read the Table: Consider your rivals’ betting patterns.  Someone may have a powerful hand that outplays yours if they raise considerably after the Turn or River.



Hand Hand Ranking Odds Against Probability (%)
Royal flush 1 6,49,739 : 1 0.000154
Straight flush 2 72,192.33 : 1 0.00139
Four of a kind 3 4,165 : 1 0.02401
Full house 4 693.1667 : 1 0.1441
Flush 5 508.8019 : 1 0.1965
Straight 6 253.8 : 1 0.3925
Three of a kind 7 46.32955 : 1 2.1128
Two pair 8 20.03535 : 1 4.7539
One pair 9 1.366477 : 1 42.2569
High Card/No Pair 10 0.9953015 : 1 50.1177


Poker charts generally show hand rankings in a clear and easy-to-understand format, usually with a diagram or graph representing each hand. Some charts also contain additional information, such as the outcome of each hand or strategies for different games.

These charts are an especially useful tool for players who are still learning the game or trying to improve their understanding of card values, surprise and oddity.

In conclusion, poker is a game that transcends mere cards and chips, offering players a rich tapestry of strategic challenges, psychological insights, and cultural significance. Whether played for fun with friends or pursued as a serious endeavor, poker remains a timeless pursuit that continues to captivate and inspire players around the globe. As we navigate the ever-changing currents of the poker world, let us embrace the art and science of the game, seeking not only to win pots and tournaments but also to deepen our understanding of ourselves and the world around us.



  • What is a full house in poker?

A full house is a strong hand in poker consisting of three cards of one rank and two cards of another rank. For example, three 7s and two Kings would be a full house.


  • How does a full house rank compared to other hands?

A full house ranks higher than a flush, a straight, and three of a kind. It is beaten only by four of a kind, a straight flush, and a royal flush.


  • Can you have more than one full house in a game?

Yes, it’s possible for more than one player to have a full house in a game. In such cases, the player with the highest-ranking three of a kind wins. If two players have the same three of a kind, the player with the highest-ranking pair wins.


  • Is a full house a common hand in poker?

No, a full house is not a very common hand. It ranks high in poker hands, so the odds of getting a full house are lower than getting some other hands, like a pair or two pairs.


  • Can a full house be beaten?

Yes, a full house can be beaten by higher-ranked hands, such as four of a kind, a straight flush, or a royal flush

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